8 February 2013

Boys and their Toys

6 Jan 2013 

Basically, there was an open house today at Singapore Polytechnic and some co-curricular activities got to demonstrate their charms and abilities. I'm in the cyclist club so there's a large percentage of guys in the club. At one moment in the day, one of the cyclists Jowy, got a trainer spoiled. If you have no idea what that is, it's something to hold the bike in place while you cycle.
So Jowy peddled extremely fast, loud whirring sounds were produced even though many members had the same situation while pedaling it before but suddenly, one the parts shot out causing the trainer to break. What was worse was that the trainer was new. A few guys went into shock and started getting their tool kits and worked on screws and stuff. I was boggled. I mean come on, if it were me, (and many other girls would agree) i wouldn't care and would just elect to throw it into the rubbish bins but for these guys, NOOO... they had to start fixing it and when it was futile, one of them brought it back to the cycling club's clubroom to get extra tools and stuff. They were sitting sprawled on the floor with screwdrivers in hand in the middle of a packed carnival like nobody's god damned business! 

Then the booth next to ours was another thing, something about remote control cars.

They talked about 'kissing the wall' and i was like: "what kiss the wall? I didn't see nobody even hugging a wall! WHAT THE HELL IS HE TALKING ABOUT?????" Then i realised later on through my own observations (thank you thank you) that they were talking about the rear of the cars touching the barriers there. And then again with my thought: "BOYS AND THEIR TOYS"

P.S the remote control cars boys even lent parts or tools for the cyclist guys to try to fix the trainer.. I think boys are really cute in their own way sometimes~

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