28 February 2013

Chinatown Heritage Centre

Because i was bored cooped up at home only for the 2nd day of holidays, i decided to take a trip down to Chinatown to see the heritage centre. I've been there a couple of times before but it doesn't hurt to go there again since i've forgotten almost all the exhibits and artifacts there. Plus this time, i'm going alone for the first time :)

So i don't have to be disturbed by whoever i was accompanied with to look at some other exhibit when i was looking at another or telling me to read the information faster and move etc. Plus, i want some quiet 'me' time :3
"Every face has a story to tell
and every story seeks to be heard"

Located within beautiful shophouses and surrounded by thousands of chinese new year decorations (i think the CNY celebrations have just ended), the Chinatown Heritage Centre is located along Pagoda Street. In it are stories told and retold by people from the past, the way our predecessors lived and struggled to make ends meet... and braved the unknown.

This was one of the first few things i saw that caught my eye. How the early migrants prayed to be able to reach the port of Singapore safely. The conditions upon which they had to be to reach Singapore is a marvelous feat, hundreds died on the way, even children whose corpses were just tossed into the sea to provide more space for people on board, not even given a proper burial. To think they came to Singapore just to provide money for their loved ones only to be taken away at such a young age and never see them again... is just saddening for me.

When i saw a board of chinese surnames, immediately, i went to mine, 谢. It wasn't very interesting though, just showcased roots of my surname cause my ancestors were most likely born elsewhere.

Look at the dingy furniture back then,. The picture below is actually a replica of an old teahouse called Da Dong Tea House the way it used to be back in the 50s to 60s.

And then there were magazines. I've watched shows that copied the era back then. People would pay a few cents just to read the books, comics or magazines available in the small booth/store and just sit on a stool to read them. I think i might have been one of these people, read stuff like those just to pass my time.

Marketplace back then, look at the old baskets holding those ingredients. There was even snakes and stuff like that. Thank god people don't sell stuff like that nowadays in Singapore, or at least anywhere in Singapore i know.

lightswitch, i tried flicking them a couple of times cause you don't see these kind of things nowadays :) 

All these, the walkways, staircases, toliets etc. are an exact replica of what used to be an old 2/3 storey house, each small room or more like a cubicle than a room was 2m square big (and a house could be divided into 30 such rooms) A lady who used to live there said in one of the many audio interviews the following:

"If all of us laid on the ground, the cubicle could best fit 6 people"
Each house had 2 or 3 toilets so about 10 cubicles of people shared the same toilet. Lets just imagine the worst case scenario...
10 cubicles x 6 people = 60 people
It's 60 people to one freaking toilet!
Oh and have i mentioned that they also share the same kitchen?

At this point of time, a chinese dialect speaking guide brought a group of chinese towards an exhibit near me as i was looking at one of the cubicles that used to house carpenters. At the same time, there were loud talking and shouts from the tour group as well as ruckus from a couple of children. Before this, i could never have understood how much trouble people in the cubicles had just to get to sleep but now, i knew. Every second, some loud conversation pipes up and another time as soon as that died down, the children started up followed by the tour guide's talking. There was just so much noise that i couldn't even hear myself think until the group left. It was then that i finally understood what an old samsui woman from a video interview said:

"When i left Chinatown for my new home in Red Hill, i missed my old cubicle, the familiar food scents that would waft in from the street below... But one thing i wasn't going to miss was the constant noise from my neighbours"

Imagine youself trying to walk down these steps, an exact replica of the steps in the past, probably much easier to walk than how it was supposed to be. I had to hold on to the handrail for fear of falling or tumbling down.

A tailor who were followed by his apprentices apparently, was the wealthiest among everybody in the shophouse. He had a toilet and a kitchen just for him and his entourage. The others in the upper level who were coolies, carpenters, ma jies etc. had to share the same kitchen and shower that were all located in the same room!

These business suits were in style back in the 50s

A tailor's set of buttons

And take a look at this hottttttt guy in one of the old posters. 

This was what a sink looked like back then. GROSS. I'm an especially hygienic person so to see this really made me feel super uncomfortable.

Back then, there wasn't any toilet to sit on, instead, people pooped into a bucket.

Old detergent bag. Just look at the hairstyle, very 1960s

So there you go, a little history of Singapore;)

21 February 2013

Relaxed in the face of exam

5 days before an important Law exam, i started watching a Korean Drama that was aired in 2010. I was hooked right from the beginning and that particular drama is called 'Sungkyunwan Scandal'


Although i shouldn't have started watching it before my exam finished, especially all the way till the end, i couldn't help myself! You know when you watch a TV show or start reading a book, you are just compelled by some unknown desire and force to continue doing so until you reach the last episode or page and find out what happened in the end. That was just what happened to me. You see, my exam was yesterday, on Monday and my previous paper was on a Friday. On Friday, i saw on the web this drama and that it was a hit so i searched everywhere on the internet for the first episode, halfway through, it always lagged or there were some problems. I think it must have been due to the fact that it was an almost 3 years old drama. Anyways, i was so frustrated that i just bought the DVD from a cd store instead in the shopping mall a 5 minute walk away.


Isn't it pretty??? Especially the material they used for the CD case cover, it's some kind of paper material that made it looked so elegant and chic. I love it.

And so on Friday all the way till Sunday i watched the show and mind you, i was supposed to study for 4 long topics for the exam but only studied one up till Sunday because my time was occupied with this drama. On Monday, which was after i finished watching this show, i told myself that i was screwed cuz i had so many things to study for which i haven't touched on yet and there was only 2 days and a half left till the exam. So from Monday all the way till yesterday 4PM, i was stressed out to the max and kept chiding myself that i should've started studying earlier. 

There were like 2 sides of me battling each other:
You see! You should have started studying earlier you stupid fucking idiot!
STILL, do you know how stressed it has made you feel now!
Yoochun~ Yoochun~ Yoochun~ Yoochun~ Yoochun~
Oh gosh, why is he so so cute?

In the end, i managed to pull through and hopefully, i'll get an A for law. So to you reading this post of mine, start watching it because this drama will blow your mind and wish so much that there was a season 2. But by the looks of the last episode, it doesn't seem like there's gonna be a season 2. Still, a girl can hope.

This drama is set in Sungkyunkwan University in the late Joseon era during the reign of King Jeongjo and revolves around the exploits and love stories of four youths. 

When her younger brother's illness worsens and her family was in the danger of being evicted from their own house for money, Kim Yoon Hee enters the school under his name disguised as a boy in her desperation to support him. There, she becomes friends with the intelligent and upright Lee Sun Joon, playboy Goo Yong Ha and the rebellious Moon Jaw Shin. 

I really enjoyed it and it has been the best Korean drama i've watched in a long time with a very satisfying ending. It has everything from romance to action to comedy and is a tear jerker. It will make you laugh and cry at the same time, a definite must watch.

Here is one of my favourite moments when Yoon Hee leaned on Sun Joon's broad manly shoulder. *heart fluttering*


20 February 2013

Reunification Palace in Vietnam

I was at the Reunification Palace during the first week of my trip to Vietnam, Saigon. So a little bit about this interesting site is that it was constructed on July 1st 1962 which means 50 years and 7 months from today! (i didnt bother to count and went ahead to Google some time duration gadget) 

Beautiful entrance eh? I imagined myself living here and it was awesome in my head~

the whole lot of us were then treated or presented to a presentation or talk of some sort because i couldnt hear a thing, everyone's ears were straining even though we were all pretty silent. The sound insulation was pretty poor but what can you expect from a 50 year old building?

This is the cabinet meeting room.

And the banquet room...

The furnishings and the lightings are just splendid and really look extravagant.

and then the carpet that we were told not to step on. Seriously, after hearing that, i really wanted to step on it. The carpet was something about symbolising DRAGONS, thats why there's shapes of dragons on the carpet. I think it was something about longevity.

Le Reception Room!

I'm not an animal activist but i didn't really like looking at the dead animal bones on display 

And then my favourite part..... THE MOVIE THEATRE ROOM!! WHAT??? ARE YOU KIDDING???
How cool is it that you have your own movie theatre? Thats just freaking FANTASTIC is what i say!

Where people (obviously) relax. I love it <3

And then we went down to the basement

Which looked pretty eerie to me

There were rooms like the spare radio room etc. I think i wouldn't have lasted an hour in there, i'd miss the sun :)


-photo credits to a couple of talented photographers from the trip =)

8 February 2013

Boys and their Toys

6 Jan 2013 

Basically, there was an open house today at Singapore Polytechnic and some co-curricular activities got to demonstrate their charms and abilities. I'm in the cyclist club so there's a large percentage of guys in the club. At one moment in the day, one of the cyclists Jowy, got a trainer spoiled. If you have no idea what that is, it's something to hold the bike in place while you cycle.
So Jowy peddled extremely fast, loud whirring sounds were produced even though many members had the same situation while pedaling it before but suddenly, one the parts shot out causing the trainer to break. What was worse was that the trainer was new. A few guys went into shock and started getting their tool kits and worked on screws and stuff. I was boggled. I mean come on, if it were me, (and many other girls would agree) i wouldn't care and would just elect to throw it into the rubbish bins but for these guys, NOOO... they had to start fixing it and when it was futile, one of them brought it back to the cycling club's clubroom to get extra tools and stuff. They were sitting sprawled on the floor with screwdrivers in hand in the middle of a packed carnival like nobody's god damned business! 

Then the booth next to ours was another thing, something about remote control cars.

They talked about 'kissing the wall' and i was like: "what kiss the wall? I didn't see nobody even hugging a wall! WHAT THE HELL IS HE TALKING ABOUT?????" Then i realised later on through my own observations (thank you thank you) that they were talking about the rear of the cars touching the barriers there. And then again with my thought: "BOYS AND THEIR TOYS"

P.S the remote control cars boys even lent parts or tools for the cyclist guys to try to fix the trainer.. I think boys are really cute in their own way sometimes~


I'd love to be a princess
to be adored
to have the money
and never worry

well that doesn't matter
as long as i'd be in my prince's arms
 cuz he'd make me feel safe
and forever calm

First pair of Contact Lens

Hurrah!! I finally bought my first contact lens! 23 January 2013, the day the future changed~~ I was actually afraid to buy them but i was going to have a presentation/debate soon and i want to look my best so i had no choice. This is because i know i will look weird in a 2 piece formal outfit and wear glasses that look totally out of style. Actually not out of style but more like doesn't match my outfit. I already plan to wear a pencil skirt with this nice pastel blouse with nude heels. And to wear this ugly glasses with it? NO WAY IN HELL THAT IS HAPPENING! 

I have been practicing on wearing these lenses even though i'm afraid to wear them. I will try! Ganbatte! And wish me luck for my debate eh!

As Told by Gino

I was back in Jurong West yesterday to help my mom out at the shop and then the ever talkative Gino stopped by. Gino is an optician who takes care of the shop next door that sells spectacles, contact lens etc. So we started striking up a conversation about what guys do when they like a girl because i was curious and   bored. Plus, he didn't mind (he actually enjoyed the 'interview') and kept asking me to ask him more questions. So here in this post, i'm going to tell you what guys do or think or whatever when they see a gal they like and so i call this post "As Told by Gino" enjoy~

Turn-offs for Guys when Dating
  1. When girls take a long time to reply to a text- the limit is one day.
  2. When girls don't offer to pay for the meal, or at least try to. "Not that we're cheapo," says Gino, "but she should at least pretend to but we will insist to pay like a real man. Though for me, if she insist at least once, it'll be kinda cool."
  3. Desperate girls. What totally kills the attraction vibe no matter how sexy the girl is is when she appears  desperate. Long winded texts, clingy personality totally kills the whole thing. "I like a girl who remains mysterious even when we're dating," he grins. Glancing to my brother who was next to him, Gino asks, "you think so too right?"

    Without even thinking for a second, my brother high fives him, roaring in agreement. (i rolled my eyes)

  4. Taking a long time to prim yourself. "For example," he suddenly sighs in frustration just thinking about it, "If we're going on a date, don't go for a manicure and expect us to wait outside the parlour, we don't have time for that! Do it at your own time! Instead, i prefer going for sports activity or something both people can do."
  5. Don't shop for too long. I was shocked at that part too girls and was about to demand he clarify when he seem to have thought better of it and rephrased himself "When we're still in the DATING PHASE AND NOT GF/BF YET. If we're still on the first date kind of thing, don't ask us to go shopping with you for a long extended amount of time, what do you expect us to be doing?"

    "Oh i remember one time when the girl i was dating wanted to shop for bras," Gino looks into the distance. I assume he enjoyed that part of the shopping because this allows him to visualise the girl's chest. "I didn't mind that part of the shopping," he says in a straight face while nodding. Well you don't say

What Guys do when they like a Girl
  • "We try to make the girl laugh", says Gino
  • "You know when a guy likes a girl when tries to tickle her", one of my guy friends said
  •   He pats the girl's head
  • "the game is on when he offers to walk home with you," grins Gino
  • Texts you  a lot
  • If you ask him to find something, he wholeheartedly does it
  • And other stuff i can't really remember anymore