21 March 2013


Dad went to The Cocoa Trees today and bought us children some chocolates!!!! Woo hoo 멋진 아빠!! (i'm trying to say Dad's AWESOME!!)

I especially loove The Cocoa Trees not only because it's the only place i can find my fav chocolates (Reese's Peanut Butter Cups) but also because it's just simply a whole shop FILLED with chocolates :)
look at the 2 big bags here ^^  I know, who is that kid? That's my idiotic brother displaying his photobombing skills =_= 
I told him to move away but instead, he brought out his peace sign and started smiling at the camera

And here is my favourite chocolate in the whole wide world, Reese's Peanut butter cups!!! I don't really like to eat chocolates but with the peanut butter cups, i can eat them all day huhu :D

All the chocolates brought home~ There's more than these, packets, i'm just showing one of each~

and a special jar of nutella chocolate~~~ I gotta tell you, it's extremely big and heavy! even my model later couldn't hold it for long when i took his photo 

look at the big diff in weight!!

there you go, thats how big the jar is

and the receipt, a whopping S$192.10, thats why i said that i have the best dad in the world hehe.. Plus,  the big nutella jar was S$70 WOW!


  1. I think the Nutella is a waste of money. Who the hell is going to eat that at home.

    But your blog post is actually not bad...

    From sis

    :P and stupid sister. from iman

  2. lol you 2 nothing to do is it~
