29 January 2011

Tiring Job...

today was another day at work, the 5th day actually. currently, i've earned only $180... quite little but it'll have to do for me to buy new clothes for poly. this job is extremely tiring and you will get muscle aches by the end of the day. let me now explain the process of my job. the first thing i have to do when i arrive is fold boxes. not just a dozen or two but 500, yes. today, thank goodness, was only 400.
there was a saying i heard of once, it goes something like this: if you can't get out of it, get into it. and i did.. i tried to make a castle out of these boxes but my friend/co-worker kept 'tearing' down my castle. so i sped up my pace to make more boxes. I learnt my lesson  though because my left arm right now is aching like crazy. after that, about 30 minutes later before i even finshed making half of the 500, a big truck carrying MANY boxes will arrive. my 2 friends and i will then have to move the boxes and place the 12 kueh lapis onto carts. righty oh! ther's 12 kueh lapis in a box. the number of boxes? about 60 boxes today... i felt like dyng right there alright.
see the background? thats how big one box is. then, you had to open the box neatly and flatly like the top right hand corner in the picture. the kueh lapis were on the table today because there were not enough carts.
  yup, these are the carts alright. more then these. after the kueh lapis had dried- because they are icy when taken out from the boxes- we have to take the kueh lapis and pack them into the white boxes. this whole process really tires me out. thank goodness my 2 friends and i agreed with the boss that we're only working for 1 week before we started the job. tomorrow then, is the 2nd last day. hallelujah!

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