14 June 2014

How Mortal Are We

Friends ask why I'm so morbid, to think of death so often. From where the thought may have originated from, I have no clue but I'm absolutely certain that it grew with the exposure I had from music, media, books and without a doubt, real life experiences.

In recent times, the part time colleagues at my work place have slowly started to bid their goodbyes as each of their contracts ended. Of course I myself am a part timer but my contract will only be ending at a later date, a date where by then, 75% of our 'group' would have scattered all over Singapore and the world. Initially, our group started with 12 hilarious individuals, including myself but now, we are down to 4. Soon enough, it would be short another number.

I can't help but view this situation with a different angle. The way I see it, it's like everyone's slowly leaving the face of the earth and I would be one of the few left coping with the death of treasured friends and families. More often than not, I'd wonder what my thoughts would be then. I think it would include myself damning the universe and bartering with no one in particular to lengthen that someone else's life by taking away my years from me because I'd rather die young than watch my friends die first. 

But then again, this is life. It gives us all the opportunities to shine in the sun, to breathe and be free, to travel the world and fall in love.. And when you have reached the end of your road, it's fair enough to take it back from you and pass it on to the next person waiting in line. 

Nobody escapes death and that sort of makes life cruel but it drives us to treasure it more. To grab life by the horns, to love someone wholeheartedly and trust that they would protect you and do the same and to live each day to the fullest because it may very well be our last chance to do so.

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