14 April 2012

Truths and Lies of a Virgo ♀

I'm female and coincidentally a Virgo! So lets look at the internet facts about people like me and assess whether they're freaking true... or not. On with our quest!! (i feel soooo lame at the moment)

She has quite a determination and can do anything if she sets her mind to it: I like praising myself but this sentence has already done that for me. It's true by the way.

She will be completely devoted and loyal to you in a relationship: I'll love you like food love salt *wink* you'll be my whole world and although i'll still take a quick glance at cute guys out in the streets (which girl don't?) once in a while, you'll forever hold me heart~

If it doesn't seems to be working, she will severe all the ties and become as cold as the North Pole: Better to be the first one out than suffer more pain

It's better to get used to their critical nature: I'm a freaking Virgo, what do you expect!? It's in my blood... Plus, i've been trying to stop that habit you know. I am making an effort!

Extremely efficient and organized: Crazily organised when we want to and messy when we don't :) Not sure about the efficient part though. I prefer to call that completing tasks that needed to be attended to, responsibly.

It's better not to be late when you are meeting her: I'm often late

Demanding and fussy: Sue me

A Virgo woman will find it very hard to accept that she is wrong: i don't lnow why... Gotta have something to do with my pride, i guess.

She cannot tolerate someone using abusive language: I used to be like that but now, i find it ok. Gotta depend on who she's interacting with. But if she doesn't use those words then you'd best avoid using them too if you're wooing her :)

Cannot tolerate dressing sloppily: Come on! you look so... urggggghhhhh!!!!!!!! Make a good impression on others! is that too difficult?

It's better to brush up your vocabulary too: I find those guys hot. Don't ask me, i've no idea why

Her taste is very good and her intellect quite developed: ehhhh.... I don't know about the taste part but i like to think i'm smart :) Got a 3.9GPA but i act like a child and i'm not that smart. 3.9 is just the results of being EXAM smart

If you are trying to woo her, take her to places like theatre, art gallery, etc.: Surprisingly, this is quite true, I love going to the theatre, museums or galleries, so relaxing and intriguing. However, I love the outdoors too so I guess this isn't entirely true

She is prone to worrying about things too much: I even worry about being such a worrier

She is very sensitive and her feelings are pretty fragile: true...

She will become exceedingly strong when you need her support: Bring it on!

Even though a Virgo woman is very critical, she will not take criticism very nicely. It never works the other way round for her: Yes, that's pretty much the way we work

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