19 April 2012

Tips for a Polytechnic Freshie

My friend tagged me in a post by Matthew Zachary Liu like 'Hunger Games' in poly. A cheat sheet (more like essay) to survive in Poly. Wish i had this in my first year, could have undone some wrongs i made like CCA. But i'm in year 2, things may not be too late yet.

Here's the first point in his long list of tips.

Read this if you are/were once a freshie from NP, TP, SP, NYP, RP..

Because regardless of Polytechnics, if life in Poly were like “The Hunger Games” and the ultimate goal is to "survive", this would have been (actually is) my cheat sheet to surviving the adventure that would last for the next 3 years..

1) Friends. From Day 1, more often than not, the first few people you meet/get to know at camps, in classes.. are going to be the ones you hang out with the most in your first few weeks or even months of school. It’s just this secret “okay I don’t really know anyone else but you so let’s stick together like we’re best friends” phase. Social comfort. We’re afraid to be alone or be seen as an outcast/loser in a completely new environment. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, orientation week is probably the best time to be extra friendly and say hi to every face that looks damn lost to put you higher up on the social pedestal. Here’s the deal though.. what you need to know, need to understand.. is the critical importance of being able to distinguish and draw a very clear line between friendship and work. It won’t always be the wisest decision to group up with your friends to do projects, simply for friendship convenience, because that may be the very catalyst that destroys your friendship. Put it bluntly, some friends are fun to be with but aren’t very good people to work with, while the ace students may or may not ever be your best friend; but they both deliver the goods in their respective roles. It ‘s up to you to decide what’s more important to you. So pick your friends and project mates wisely. Really. Every senior in any Poly will tell you this #1 rule.


Check his Facebook page or Website for more of his works. I'm not sure why but if i ever met him, i'd be intimidated by his marvelous background and portfolio.
I'm jealous, i really am. He had such a fulfilling life in Poly and i hope to do the same... Before i head out into the crazy world out there. I wish i can live it up in my second year, here i go...

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