14 April 2012

Blood Type

There are 2 things that determines blood type. First, each person's blood is Type A, B, AB or O. Second, your blood can be RH+ or RH-, depending on whether or not it has stuff in it called RH factor.

You cannot receive blood from just anyone around you. The donor muat have a certain blood type.

If your Blood type's:                              You can get blood from those of Blood type:

A+    ---------------------------------------------    A+, A-, O+, O-
A-     ---------------------------------------------    A-, O-
B+    ---------------------------------------------    B+, B-, O+, O-
B-     ---------------------------------------------    B-, O-
AB+ ---------------------------------------------    Anyone
AB-  ---------------------------------------------    AB-, A-, B-, O-
O+    ---------------------------------------------    O+, O-
O-     ---------------------------------------------    O-

O- is the Universal donor where anyone can receive blood from.
AB+ is the Universal receiver where he or she can get blood from anyone of any blood type.

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