22 September 2013

My Life's a Drama

"How dare you slap me. You, a big oaf of a man just slapped a lady! What kind of person are you!" Clutching my cheek, my wide eyes glared straight at the marbled wall. Yes, a wall. I was just acting. In my bathroom. I've been doing this 'acting' since secondary school, thinking up different scenarios where i pretend i was the female lead and just going with the flow. I don't know why but whenever i enter my bathroom, it becomes my stage, because it becomes a world of my own. And in my world... I'm an actress.

One time, i was a girl who just received the news that her boyfriend died in a war and i would act out the part of the devastated lady. I would cry within seconds because i just delve into my character.

Sometimes, i was a martial artist and would save a girl from getting beat up by her gangster boyfriend.

Other times, okay most times, i'm a graceful ballerina who met a k-pop dancer and fell in love. 

I love to act, i have no idea why but if someone were to give me a role, i'd act it out to my heart's content. I'd take as many takes if i have to because acting is just so fun, it's definitely not something i would tire of. 

I wish one day i'd get to take part in some acting class, just for the heck of it.

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