15 September 2013

A Diary Post

This week alone, I’ve met up with a couple of fantastic friends that I haven’t met in quite a while. On Wednesday, 11th Sept, Jin Yin and I went to the Busking Festival at Sentosa, it was pretty fun though not as hyped up as I expected it to be. There was the leaning statue guy who moved whenever you gave a tip. Then, there was a performance by a fire performing duo followed by an act by a contortionist. It was mind blowing to say the least. In the end, Jin Yin and I just sat down somewhere and chatted, it was a great night =)

Then, the following day, I had to get to work : (

Anyways, on Friday, 13th Sept (TGIF), I met up with my secondary school buddies! Wee Ting, Zhi Yi and Zi Ying :D It was great to see them again, really missed having my old friends around~~

After that, on the Sat, 14th Sept, I met up with a couple of Foundation LEAP Camp friends, especially Isaac, he’s such a FUNNY guy.

Soon, I’m meeting up with LEAP camp friends again on 21st to go to Wild Wild Wet and 22nd with my best buddie, Vernon, to an awesome museum which I can’t wait to go to ^^

There’s still some more friends I wanna meet like Jasmine my BFF and Chloe, Joeslyn and Lina, my Poly BUDs! <3

I miss having my friends around when I’m in work all the time =_= hahaha

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