4 May 2013

Taking a Trip To Telunas

Last September, I had the opportunity to be a part of a camp where i had a taste of nature, was isolated from the outside world and experienced many adventures which would turn out to be memories i forever will hold. 4 groups of students, about 15-20 per group, including myself, took a boat down to Telunas, Riau Island and had a 3 day camp there. 

That small red balloon is where Telunas is located where we travelled all the way from Singapore which is at the top of the picture

Firstly, let me brief you in on its history... Telunas is located at one of Indonesia's mini islands, it was bought by an Ang Moh who turned the island into a getaway or leadership camp hotspots. One of the Singapore Polytechnic (SP) lecturers actually found the island and recommended it to the board to be the place for future SPOT (Singapore Polytechnic Outstanding Students) students to have their leadership camp in. And that's how this yearly camp tradition began for every 2nd year SPOT students. SPOT is actually a program to grow students to be a Leader, Humanitarian and Communicator, I'm lucky to be a part of it :) Fortunately or unfortunately, the spouse of the SP lecturer is from Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), SP's rival school and she also recommended it for some of their camps.

Upon arrival, we were treated to their speciality drink which consisted of some fruits i guess, it was a lil sour to me so i gave up on trying to finish it after a few sips. Immediately after the briefing which consisted of the lunch time, merchandise store etc. we proceeded to our bunks. Each bunk has about 8 beds and one toilet inside the bunk, you'd think it's dirty or something because this place is on some island but it's quite clean and beautiful, it's too bad i didn't bring any cameras with me, not even my handphone to take a photo :(

The reason why was because my leader, Issac, said that we should not depend on technology in this next 2 or 3 days and just enjoy ourselves. I'm glad i heeded his advice because that was one of the best decisions i have ever made. The 3 days were wonderful, i immersed myself into the beauty that was this island. Fortunately, one of the girls, brought along her Nikon Coolpix which helped take the next few photos that i'm about to show you :) Photo credits go to Alexandria, thanks babe!

The Beautiful Wonders that is this Island

The planks we had to walk on had quite a gap (about 4 or 5cm) so for the first 2 days, i would make sure that i don't step on the gaps but eventually, i realised i was being a little paranoid that i'd fall through and ended up running on them by the 3rd day.

These walkways and wooden cabins were super beyond the coast and thousands of feet (i'm exaggerating but it feels that way since i can't swim) above the sea floor. So you can understand my paranoia.

this photo was taken below the dock where we jumped off to do our jetty jump. IT WAS AWESOME...

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