19 May 2011

Book Lover

I do not understand why some people can be so inconsiderate when it comes to borrowing things. I know a lot of people who are kind and considerate and courteous too but there is always one or two who will just borrow things from others and
never return the items. Or even fold dog ears on the pages of library books OR dirty books that do not belong to them OR ....etc.
There are soo many things that i do not know that people will do. All i know is this- they have no EQ. Do they know that owners of books love their books? That those books belong to them, Not to the borrowers? There may be some book lovers
who do not mind their books getting dirty and stuff but there are ALSO A NUMBER OF PEOPLE who love their books to even wrap them in plastic covers so the original covers won't scratch or get dirty (My dear friend does that but i don't)? There are
those who immediately sanitise their books' covers when they get home once people return them their books (So embarrasing, but that's me... Why? i really can't stand it ok! The people might scratch their butt or dig their nose and continue reading
my book! The last person i lent my book to actually brought my book to the toilet and had it NEARLY drop inside the toilet bowl!) So don't blame ME if i wanted to sanitise.
Therefore, please respect book owners' books. They may be just papers bound together but to book lovers LIKE ME, they're our babies.

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