The Adventure of the Duckies
Once upon a time
In the Chia’s household
There lived two ducks, Pi Pi and Snow
Happily in the water
And quacking on land
The children of the Chia's loved them
However yet noisy they became
So in the box the two ducks went
And that was when the horror began
They visited the ducks and played some games
Together, inseparable they became
Nightfall arrives; it’s time for bed.
"See you tomorrow!" the youngest child said
But little did they know of the danger ahead
Once upon a time
Besides the Chia’s household
There lived a cat
With a name no one knew
The children of the Chia’s fed him fish
But yet greedy it became
He wanted more and the ducks were its aim
2am, Papa Chia heard a sound
He quickly ran out but it was too late
In the box lay one little duck
Quacking for its mate
The children of the Chia’s visited the duck
It wouldn’t eat, sleep nor drink
For how pitiful, depressed it was
Oh what poor little thing
It was 2pm, outside the Chia’s household
Laid the duck motionless and cold
All of them cried, the family of seven
But rejoice though, they’re now in heaven
Once upon a time
In the Chia’s household
There lived two ducks, Pi Pi and Snow.
In memory of Pi Pi and Snow
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