24 August 2014


It has been 2 weeks since I've started school in Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The stress I'm feeling is indescribable, so different from my polytechnic days. There's so much to do and yet so little at the same time.

What I found though, is that it is easy to feel small here, to feel insignificant and not good enough. You meet so many smart, innovative people who inspire to do more with your life. You meet the trailblazers, the geeks, the trendsetters, the go-getters etc. all in one place but it's different this time around. It's a different set of people from the ones you meet back in secondary school or poly or JC. Their way of thinking has matured, they've become somewhat more confident. 

But then you find that you're unique, yourself. You find that you too have something to contribute to this melting pot of wonderful people and that you're equally talented. 

I'm lucky to be here and though the stress of grades are piling up and the need to socialise has become a burden on me, I will strive. I will learn to balance. I will make sure that I have the time of my life here in NTU. And I'm pretty sure I will have the best time of my life in the next 3.5 years.

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