26 August 2014

Hey Mickey, you're too fine

'One, two, up!'

And I was in the air. 

Today, I was at the cheer-leading tryouts, I wasn't even supposed to be there. My friend, Laura, just pulled me along because she wanted to try it out and I didn't have the heart to reject her. Initially, I was kind of apprehensive about going to the hall where the try outs was happening, mainly because I'm not that flexible girl with super light weight. I'm that 1.72m tall girl weighing 58kg, give or take 2 kg. But then my seniors said that there are no such thing as heavy fliers, just weak base.

I was even thinking of going for the base- like supporting the fliers. So basically, the fliers are those people who go up in the air doing all the crazy stunts that seems easy but takes so much effort and courage to do. The base, on the other hand, are those you see bringing everyone up, allowing them to stand in the air like some kind of freaking ninjas. PLUS, I learnt the basic elevator stunt which I'm so glad I learnt! 

But that's almost it, I don't think I'm cut out for Cheerleading, it seems fun and even though they said I did pretty good as a first timer (I think I did like peanuts compared to what they're doing right now), I don't think I'm gonna go back there. For one, time is something I have to sacrifice if I go for this co-curricular activity which I'm kind of not prepared to do. Two, it's important to be flexible which I'm obviously not so meh~ 

At least it was a good experience, I really enjoyed it! :D

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