17 April 2014

The Beauty of Simplicity

It has to be the latest iPad.

That 46 inch full HD LED LCD TV. 

Fastest Wi-Fi connection available 

or you'd burst into flames. 

People don't look around and enjoy the moment anymore. They put so much emphasis on what can be done faster, what speeds up our every process, how much things needed to be micro-managed that they don't enjoy the small things in life anymore. So much goes by so fast and if you don't stop to look around, you're going to miss it and soon, life's gonna pass you by that you'll only live in regret.

My family is going to Telunas tomorrow, this beautiful place I've been to about 2 years ago. I remember the beautiful scenery, the cold wind slapping your cheeks and the cool blue waters. And I thought to myself, how much I wanted my family to be there to feel what I felt then.

But right now, they're complaining (too strongly for my taste) how much they don't want to be there. Which is making me extremely angry because that wasn't what was supposed to happen. They're complaining about the lack of technology, the lack of tv, the lack of DVD players. All of which are things I hate the most in a vacation. 

And what I hate the most right now, is how much they abhor simplicity. I'm actually typing this with trembling fingers, feeling mostly hurt. Because at the rate we're going, they're not going to enjoy the wind, the sky, the feeling of sand in between our toes. The small things I wanted them to feel.

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