3 November 2013

Bucket List

Recently, i've read an article about an interview with Yasmine Khater, a double degree holder who has rubbed shoulders with presidents and is the founder of Transpiral- an organisation that helps women take their businesses to the next level.

One thing she said has inspired me to do what i am about to say:

When i first found out my dad was sick, the first questions i asked him were "what do you want to do?" "where do you want to go?" I was very naive, I felt like he had to make the most of the time he had left. But when he told me "I had done it all". that was a big thing to me and it was so empowering that it prompted me to write a bucket list.

And so here is my bucket list...

  1. Attend a Taylor Swift concert
  2. Visit Australia
  3. Be an Air Stewardess for a while
  4. Travel to America
  5. Learn to swim (took a swimming course from June to August 2014 which lasted 12 lessons)
  6. Get certified as a lifeguard
  7. Learn sign language (learning as of Sept 2014)
  8. Find out about Phantom of the Opera
  9. Attend a Phantom of the Opera play
  10. Take part in a dancing class
  11. Tandem Sky Dive
  12. Bungee Jump at the Macau Tower
  13. Try out rock climbing  (achieved 2 Sept @LEAP Camp Ipoh)
  14. Try out a forest adventure (achieved 2 Sept@ LEAP Camp Ipoh)
  15. Try out a second time at a forest adventure this time in Singapore (as it seems more thrilling) without crying
  16. Help out at an animal shelter
  17. Learn Conversational French
  18. Learn Japanese
  19. Learn Korean  (I learnt the alphabets and minor words in the course i took, I've had enough)
  20. Master Mandarin Chinese
  21. Speak conversational Malay (learning as of August 2014 in Malay for Beginners course)
  22. Work in a cruise
  23. Be the object being painted in a nude painting
  24. Learn Pottery 
  25. Own a Dog
  26. Take part in a Wildlife Rescue Mission
  27. Learn First Aid- especially CPR
  28. Visit South Korea (done July 2014)
  29. Learn to play the trumpet
  30. Learn to play the piano

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