20 July 2013

Welcome to the month of Ramadhan!

It's the month of Ramadhan peeps, dates (or better known as Kurma among the malay muslims) are everywhere! My mom, aunts, uncles, acquaintances and friends all love them. Especially the icy Fresh Rotabb (hot bestseller) which a lot of customers love, costs only $6.00 every 500grams. SO FREAKING CHEAP!  I once saw one customer who bought 15 packs of that 500grams of Fresh Roatabb (picture of it below) saying that her friends and work colleagues love them. 

If you have no idea what dates are, they're actually fruits. Yes, i'm not kidding you. There are actually 3 kinds of dates, soft ones like Medjool, semi dry ones and then the dry ones. 

The dates actually have soft, easily digestible flesh plus with all the simple sugars and nutrients, they replenish energy and revitalise the body instantly. And that is the reason why during the fasting month, dates are such popular items to buy in the market. In fact, they are used to break fast during the Ramadhan month since ancient times. 

Health facts of dates (kurma):
  • Rich in dietary fiber
  • Moderate source of Vitamin A that has antioxidant properties and essential for vision
  • Maintains health membranes and skin
  • Excellent source of Iron, Potassium, Manganese, Copper and Calcium
  • ZERO cholesterol
  • AND less than 1% fat, OMG IS THAT TRUE??? HELL YEAH!

These are the famous Rotabb, those specks of white are actually ice because this particular Kurma have to be always served cold so it must always be placed inside a fridge. Which is why it is my favourite! Besides Medjool cuz Rotabb is pretty hard and Medjool has that perfectly nice softness and chew-ability :)

If you're craving for it now, just go to this shop i know, it has the best wide variety of dates (If you live in Singapore that is)-And i'm serious about the variety, they have many kinds of dates from California, Iran, China, Turkey, Medina and Egypt!:

The shop is called Kiah Soon Store
It's located at Jurong West St 41, BLK 497 #01-21, Singapore 640497
Nearest MRT: Lakeside
Buses: 98, 98M, 99, 157, 185, 187, 198, 335 and 502

The shop has been opened ever since i could remember, they sell lots of dates and kueh during the fasting month and near Hari Raya. So it's a definite must go place to find the dates/kueh :D

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