(wrote this post a week ago but had no time to post cuz i was studying for exams)
Yes, studying is a painful process. Especially when exams are around the corner or already is. You have to cram information (for the last minute people) work/modules/notes/points in your head as fast as possible, as much as possible and try as you might to score an A in the bloody exam room, rushing for time as that invigilator keep walking here and there.
It's like teachers never were kids once. Don't they remember a time when they had to endure the 'torture' given to them? The endless work that they had to finish? Don't they remember? But if they do then this is purely SADISTIC! Come on! We are you right now back when you were a student in what? 1980?
Let us teenagers do what we want at our own pace, give us a whole 6 months then exams, why cram everything we need to learn in 7/8 weeks with 7 different subjects. It's not like we're friggin robots!
People say that Poly students slack all the time. I BEG TO DIFFER. We're just as busy as any other JC student. It's not like we play all day. It's not like we didn't work for our diplomas. We do work for our diplomas. Like slaves! Poly isn't as slack as you think it is, it's not all fun and games.
The thing is, we have about 6 or 7 modules, some people even 8 and within either 7 or 8 weeks, you must have been able to master everything taught to you, cram them in your head and regurgitate them on several sheets of paper. Then when you do study EVERY SINGLE BLOODY THING in you text, they go on and test only about 10% of what you studied. Creatures from hell alright. Suck the soul right outta me. How can you possibly cram them all in your head??? We're not god. We don't have a photographic memory.
But sometimes, i wish i can stop time so when the exams start, i can freeze time, go to my bag, take out my notes then copy everything i could possibly need and afterwards put them all back in my bag, arranged as it original was and restart time. I'd get As and no one will ever know.
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