One evening, I explained to my 6 year old brother what the whole activity was about. I tore a piece of paper into 5, wrote our names, crumpled and spread them on the floor. Initially, my other 2 brothers didn't want to take part, saying that it was lame. So, to get them to take part in it, i tried to tempt them by saying that my sis and i have more money compared to them and we might buy really great presents but this still failed... My only hope of them taking part was this next move: i chose one crumpled piece of paper, read it and exclaimed loudly 'OH MY GOD!!!!! one of them riased his brows, thought about it a second or two and moved forward to choose his own. the other brother followed suit. Guess they were curious who they might've picked.
Then everyone went back doing their own things (the 3 brothers to their room where they play their PS3, my sister and i to watching our TV).
2 minutes later...
My youngest brother (the 6 year old) ran out to the living room where we were watching TV, slowed down as he got nearer to my sis and whispered 'you picked me right?' ...
Apparently, when the 2 brothers went back to their rooms, they 'exchanged information'. I can't say i'm not surprised... I guess, they asked the youngest brother about his too. From there, either him alone or they all guessed whose names my sis and i drew from the lots.
This activity is NO LONGER called Secret Santa due to the big mouths in the family thank you very much
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