29 November 2011
You Cant Stop the Beat GLEE
My sister love watching Glee ans whenever there's a great song that Glee is doing, she'd refer it to me. and my favourite at the moment is 'You can't stop the beat'. I LOVE IT :)
Locked out of my own house
I just ended school and just as i was about to finally reach home and rest inside, i find out that there is nobody at home and i DID NOT BRING MY KEY. PERFECT
So just when i thought things will not be anymore 'perfect,' i realised that i spent my last few dollars to buy lunch at school, which means, right now, i do not have any money to buy food or water. I have to wait until my sister comes home. Which would probably be in like what, 2 hours or so? Yep....
So just when i thought things will not be anymore 'perfect,' i realised that i spent my last few dollars to buy lunch at school, which means, right now, i do not have any money to buy food or water. I have to wait until my sister comes home. Which would probably be in like what, 2 hours or so? Yep....
Presentations ENDED
So yeah, my general education's assignment is OVER. It is actually about analysing a work. Could be an art piece, advertisement, song or speech.
Anyways, i ended up choosing Mary's Song by Taylor Swift. I think i did well and i could probably have been an A.
Unfortunately, my F&B Presentation the 'pricing and proposed budget' section was screwed all over, up and down... She was not satisfied with the way my group and i presented our proposal. We see Quality over MONEY. It's not wrong! @#$%#@@!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, i ended up choosing Mary's Song by Taylor Swift. I think i did well and i could probably have been an A.
Unfortunately, my F&B Presentation the 'pricing and proposed budget' section was screwed all over, up and down... She was not satisfied with the way my group and i presented our proposal. We see Quality over MONEY. It's not wrong! @#$%#@@!!!!!!!!!
28 November 2011
So tired.....
School work is piling up and exams are starting soon... This week that is. I'm learning to calm down as things progress. But there is a limit to the amount of stress i can handle... GANBATTE!!!
22 November 2011
Have to study
So i am on blogger right now...
Wasting my studying time... damn F-ing shit... I am so stressed but still, time won't stop cause of that
That's just the way life works
Wasting my studying time... damn F-ing shit... I am so stressed but still, time won't stop cause of that
That's just the way life works
Bottom view
While i was lying down the other day on a bench at the fitness corner and looked up, i saw it as a great opportunity to take a picture. I like it :)
'Twilight' Cast with Ellen Degeneres
This was sooo hilarious!!! hahahaha!!! Especially the part where Jackson said "Because we're vampires :D" HAHAHAAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 November 2011
Time for school
It's 9.22AM right now on my laptop. Gotta go to school in like 5 minutes... I am sooo dreading it.... I hate school so much. If only there are no exams, just plain learning.
Why god why must there be EXAMS
Why god why must there be EXAMS
Dying flower
I kept a fake flower at my work space when i study so i can look at 'greenery.' I don't want to keep a real one because it's a hassle. Plus, it should be where it belongs-with nature, out in the park etc.
Anyways, my sister brought home what i believe is a chrysanthemum (not sure if i spelled that out right) flower. She took out my fake flower and replaced it with that. I was a little angry because she did not ask for my permission and told her that she should be the one to change the water. (she never does it)
It has been like 5 or 6 days now and i think it's dying faster than it should be. We're not really good at taking care of plants... (That's one of the reason why i have or had a fake one on my desk)
Anyways, my sister brought home what i believe is a chrysanthemum (not sure if i spelled that out right) flower. She took out my fake flower and replaced it with that. I was a little angry because she did not ask for my permission and told her that she should be the one to change the water. (she never does it)
It has been like 5 or 6 days now and i think it's dying faster than it should be. We're not really good at taking care of plants... (That's one of the reason why i have or had a fake one on my desk)
20 November 2011
I have to stay strong
It is so tiring. I have to wake up very early in the morning and study and study and study. And still, there is not enough time to finish everything i need for exams.
I just don't know if i can stay strong. I have 2 projects to finish by this next week and i still have to do notes and memorise them. and i have still a lot of contents not covered yet. I am so scared my head can't take it all in...
and the only thing that is keeping me a bit happier is watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S Comedy that only takes about 20 minutes an episode so i won't waste any time and still get cheered up. Usually 5 episodes will do the trick.
I just don't know if i can stay strong. I have 2 projects to finish by this next week and i still have to do notes and memorise them. and i have still a lot of contents not covered yet. I am so scared my head can't take it all in...
and the only thing that is keeping me a bit happier is watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S Comedy that only takes about 20 minutes an episode so i won't waste any time and still get cheered up. Usually 5 episodes will do the trick.
Thank you to our beloved teachers
She made me do impossible tasks
tasks that require me to go outside my comfort zone
Gave me challenges after challenges
and she always believed in me
now, i'm no longer scared to speak out my views
i see challenges as opportunities to better myself
and she made me believe in my abilities...
I would never have been here today if not for her
Thank you Mdm Pua, Teck Whye Secondary School
19 November 2011
So many things to do
Exams are in 2 weeks... I'm a little tensed. Soon, by next week, people should try to avoid me because i will be very very very stressed up from everything.
Studying in the library
So i went to the library almost everyday this last week. Usually i stay at home or go to the park but i had to do notes. Home and park are for memorising notes while library is for doing work or notes.
Anyways, i love going to the library. I love the air-conditioner and the quiet, peaceful atmosphere. I'm quite a deep thinker and stuff so places like these help me calms my mind a little.
Anyways, i love going to the library. I love the air-conditioner and the quiet, peaceful atmosphere. I'm quite a deep thinker and stuff so places like these help me calms my mind a little.
This is a picture i took from my seat. I needed to take a few minutes break from doing all the notes.
18 November 2011
Taylor Swift's "Mary's Song (Oh My My My)" Music Video
Music Video made by MainstayPro Youtuber.
I really like it!
17 November 2011
Halloween Fun for Ellen Degeneres
This was hilarious! I kept laughing towards the end where the daughter said "SLIDE... SLIDE... SLIDE...."
What my brother does
when he has lots of free time ... or just time
But my brother said he wasn't trying to copy Allen's sword at all. He just wanted a BIG sword. I tried to carry it and boy, was it heavy. Apparently, he put something heavy inside to make the sword sturdy enough to swing it.
and that wasn't even completed yet!
He was making a sword similar to Allen Walker's Sword in D-Gray Man (A Japanese Anime)
Last year on what i think was Mid-Autumn Festival, there was a calligrapher invited to come to the secondary school event. He said that he sells his work for a lot of money (about $700-800 for just a few words on his very thin piece of paper). It was very interesting!
So, he started doing a few pieces and giving them to students who wanted it. I requested for 2 of them. It was really pretty. He drew pandas and blossoms and willowy trees etc! it was fascinating.
So, he started doing a few pieces and giving them to students who wanted it. I requested for 2 of them. It was really pretty. He drew pandas and blossoms and willowy trees etc! it was fascinating.
Poor Boy
So i was walking along my neighbourhood last month and passed by this school. They had many huge posters and banners to promote their school. Then there was one that was promoting a particular Co-Curricular Activity (CCA). If i'm not wrong, it's boy scouts.
They had a group photo or two of a few members in the CCA.
They had a group photo or two of a few members in the CCA.
looking... looking... just scanning through...
then i saw something that kinda surprised me a little.
A boy in a group photo got his eye 'gouged' out!
I have to say, initially, i was amused at the absurdity of the whole thing but my morals came in. The poor boy! He must have felt really sad and stuff when he saw that... There was also another girl on another banner that got the same 'treatment'. I just can't stand people who do this sort of thing., They're bullies and retarded twits.
Ellen Degeneres in Breaking Dawn
So i was in school the other day and doing some notes when my friends sitting opposite me started laughing histerically. I was curious and looked at what they were watching on the laptop.
Ellen Degeneres was on Breaking Dawn. Was shocked initially but duh.. That's Ellen Degeneres so i had a good laugh after watching that :)
16 November 2011
Things to do during the three week holiday (coming soon)
- Watch Breaking Dawn
- Improve my mandarin
- Reserve 'The Reluctant Vampire' Lynsay Sands from the library to read (cuz too busy to read during school time)
- Do notes for some topics for my modules
- Hang out and catch up with friends
- Do something stupid
- Buy myself a very expensive chocolate cake
So tired of schoolwork
I have a lot of things to be done at the moment. 1 project presentation which is due the following week and another presentation due next wednesday. Both not even started yet. The latter was assigned today so it was a very short notice. Soon, there will be another project assigned to us this friday. There will definitely be another F&B project. What i'm going to do is do my notes for one of my modules and then do the presentation tommorow that is due the following week. The one next week needs some group discussion and sadly, my group usually discuss very late. someone has to push things along. I just wish there's better communication. It is very hard to deal with group dynamics....
Anyways, as long as i get one presentation done, one load, to me, is off my shoulders.
Anyways, as long as i get one presentation done, one load, to me, is off my shoulders.
13 November 2011
Books To Read for the 18 year old
I always keep a record of what i read into a small notebook. No idea why but i do that. Maybe I want to keep a memory of the books i've read in case i forget that i've read them once before or just for reference if i want to read them again. So i'm going to now list out the books i've read from the first to the current one :)
The ones in bold are those i strongly recommend to be read for various reasons: hilarious, very over the top romantic, thrilling etc.
There you go :) the first book (novel) i've read to the current one
If you have any books to recommend, do tell in the comment box, i'd love to know :)
The ones in bold are those i strongly recommend to be read for various reasons: hilarious, very over the top romantic, thrilling etc.
- The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella
- Manhunting by Jennifer Crusie
- Can you keep a secret by Sophie Kinsella
- Anyone but you by Jennifer Crusie
- Heiress for hire by Erin Mc carthy
- Getting rid of Bradley by Jennfier Crusie
- Tell me lies by Jennfier Crusie
- The prophecy of the gems by Flavia Bujor
- A quick bite by Lynsay Sands
- What the lasy wants by Jennfier Crusie
- The Switch by Lynsay sands
- Bet me by Jennifer Crusie
- Bite me if you can by Lynsay Sands
- The Brat by Lynsay sands
- The Accidental Vampire by Lynsay Sands
- Love Bites by Lynsay Sands
- Single White Vampire by Lynsay Sands
- Tall, Dark and Hungry by Lynsay Sands
- [The specialists] Model Spy by Shannon Greenland
- [The specialists] Down the wire by Shannon Greenland
- [The specialists] The winning element by Shannon Greenland
- A bite to remember by Lynsay Sands
- Vampires are forever by Lynsay Sands
- Vampire Interrupted by Lynsay Sands
- [The specialists] Native Tongue by Shannon Greenland
- Geek High by Piper Banks
- Have Glass Slippers will travel by Lisa Cach
- The SQUAD perfect cover by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
- To kiss a spy by Jane Feather
- Strange Bedpersons by Jennifer Crusie
- Heart Mate by Robin D.Owens
- Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty by Jody Gehrman
- Inside Girl by J.Minter
- Crazy for you by Jennifer Crusie
- Duke most wanted by Celeste Bradley
- Charlie all night by Jennifer Crusie
- girls we love by J.Minter
- The sweetest thing by J.Minter
- Fast Women by Jennifer Crusie
- The Rogue hunter by Lynsay Sands
- Beauty and the spy by Julie Anne Long
- Ways to be wicked by Julie Anne Long
- An Offer from a Gentleman by Julia Quinn
- The Runaway duke by Julie Anne Long
- The secret to seduction by Julie Anne Long
- The Viscount who loved me by Julia Quinn
- The runaway princess by Christina dodd
- The Husband Trap by Tracy Anne Warren
- Diary of a wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney
- The Wife trap by Tracy Anne Warren
- To catch a highlander by Karen Hawkins
- The island by Heather Graham
- Gamer Girl by Mari Mancusi
- Perfect Match by J.Minter
- Triple Shot Bettys in Love by Jody Gehrman
- Diary of a wimpy kid: Rodrick Rules by Jeff Kinney
- Love is Blind by Lynsay Sands
- The Wedding Trap Tracy Anne Warren
- Double dating with the dead by Karen Kelly
- The Chase by Lynsay Sands
- Temperature's Rising by Karen Kelly
- Storyteller by Edward Myers
- The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
- What she wants by Lynsay Sands
- Romancing Mr Bridgerton by Julia Quinn
- The Pretender by Celeste Bradley
- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
- The Immortal Hunter by Lynsay Sands
- Lady of Sin by Madeline Hunter
- New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
- Love in the Air by James Collins
- Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
- Geek Abroad by Piper Banks
- The Perfect Wife by Lynsay Sands
- Vampire Kisses: The Beginning by Ellen Schreiber
- Vampire Kisses 4: Dance with a vampire by Ellen Schreiber
- Vampire Kisses 5 by Ellen Schreiber
- Royal Blood by Ellen Schreiber
- Tempted at every turn by Robyn Dehart
- Bride of a wicked Scotsman by Samantha James
- Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
- Some like it wicked by Teresa Medeiros
- Forbidden Nights with a vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks
- The undead next door by Kerrelyn Sparks
- All i want for christmas is a vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks
- Some like it wild by Teresa Medeiros
- Psych: mind over magic by William Rabkin
- The Renegade hunter by Lynsay Sands
- How to marry a Millionaire Vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks
- Vamps and the City by Kerrelyn Sparks
- Secret Life of a vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks
- Tempted by his kiss by Tracy Anne Warren
- Seduced by his touch by Tracy Anne Warren
- Intertwined by Gena Showalter
- Jesscia;s Guide to dating on the dark side by Beth Fantaskey
- Once a witch by Carolyn MacCullough
- Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
- Bitten by Cupid by Lynsay Sands
- My Sister's keeper by Jodi Picoult
- The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan
- The greatest lover in all England by Christina Dodd
- The Five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom
- Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters Rick Riordan
- Percy Jackson and the titan's curse by Rick Riordan
- Percy Jackson and the battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
- The Royal Treatment by Mary Janice Davidson
- Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
- Married in Seattle by Debbie Macomber
- My soul to take by Rachel Vincent
- Undead and Unwed by Mary Janice Davidson
- Violet on the runway by Melissa Walker
- Violet by Design by Melissa Walker
- Violet in Private by Melissa Walker
- Faking it by Jennifer Crusie
- Texas Rain by Jodi Thomas
- Love Bites, Vampire Kisses 7 by Ellen Schreiber
- At the Duke's pleasure by Tracy Anne Warren
- Tall tales and wedding Veils by Jane Graves
- Undead and Unemployed by Mary Janice Davidson
- Undead and Unappreciated by Mary Janice Davidson
- Undead and Unreturnable by Mary Janice Davidson
- Born to Bite by Lynsay Sands
- Lessons from a courtesan by Jenna Peterson
- Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone by (duh...) J.K ROWLING
- Scoundrel in my dreams by Celeste Bradley
- The Ghost and the Goth by Stacey Kade
- Hungry for you by Lynsay Sands
- Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets by J.K ROWLING
- How to Marry a Marquis by Julia Quinn
- I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
- Queen of the Dead by Stacey Kade
- The Countess by Lynsay Sands
- The Heiress by Lynsay Sands
- HERO by Mike Lupica
- What's Your Number? by Karyn Bosnak
There you go :) the first book (novel) i've read to the current one
If you have any books to recommend, do tell in the comment box, i'd love to know :)
I just wish that school is not stressful. I've stopped going for counselling already. Apparently, i am not that stressed. I'm ok just that i get stressed during the exam period. So i am pretty normal. Yay...
Anyways, this term is actually better than last 2 terms. The last two terms, i had law, Events Materials and Decoration and Principles of Management. All three had lots of content to be memorised... Which really stressed me out a lot.
The counselling sessions made me see what's the worst that could happen if i failed. I know i put too much pressure on myself so i do lots of things to calm me down. I've learned to look a things just a little better. Though it got really annoying when the counsellor kept asking me questions why i feel this way, why i feel that way.
So! For the previous terms as i said, there were 3 modules and i got distinctions for them all, which is great. Then, i have IT for events which i got B+ which is not that great. Events Experience also B+. Events Communications, Distinction. So i had 6 modules of which 3 were very taxing on me.
Now, it's new modules:
Principles of Marketing
Food and Beverages
Events Creation and Market Research
Drawing and Auto Cadd
Audio Visual Systems
Also 6 modules
The first similarly, has lots of content
The second, not bad
Third, lots of content as well
Just drawing but sure things gonna get tougher
Content to memorise as well
Last one, Difficult and hope i survive
Things are different in the 2nd semester. All the modules in sem 2 have exams. Sem one only 4 had exams. The only thing better in Sem 2 is that, content wise, it;s lesser.
I just hope things get easier. Either that or i can't take it. Economics is my worst fear, i'll tell you that. It's similar to Additional Mathematics which i CANNOT HANDLE. To me, it is very exhausting. I just hope i can get through it
Anyways, this term is actually better than last 2 terms. The last two terms, i had law, Events Materials and Decoration and Principles of Management. All three had lots of content to be memorised... Which really stressed me out a lot.
The counselling sessions made me see what's the worst that could happen if i failed. I know i put too much pressure on myself so i do lots of things to calm me down. I've learned to look a things just a little better. Though it got really annoying when the counsellor kept asking me questions why i feel this way, why i feel that way.
So! For the previous terms as i said, there were 3 modules and i got distinctions for them all, which is great. Then, i have IT for events which i got B+ which is not that great. Events Experience also B+. Events Communications, Distinction. So i had 6 modules of which 3 were very taxing on me.
Now, it's new modules:
Principles of Marketing
Food and Beverages
Events Creation and Market Research
Drawing and Auto Cadd
Audio Visual Systems
Also 6 modules
The first similarly, has lots of content
The second, not bad
Third, lots of content as well
Just drawing but sure things gonna get tougher
Content to memorise as well
Last one, Difficult and hope i survive
Things are different in the 2nd semester. All the modules in sem 2 have exams. Sem one only 4 had exams. The only thing better in Sem 2 is that, content wise, it;s lesser.
I just hope things get easier. Either that or i can't take it. Economics is my worst fear, i'll tell you that. It's similar to Additional Mathematics which i CANNOT HANDLE. To me, it is very exhausting. I just hope i can get through it
11 November 2011
When i'm old
You know.. I just had a thought.
When i'm old and aged 80+ years old plus i would get increasingly forgetful. I could then look back and reminisce about the past with this blog. 10 years from now, i think i would still be using this blog. (Provided it remains free)
So, this blog... Will definitely contain a lot of my treasured memories where time stopped.
Well... Provided i can still read... Oh well, i'll just force my future children or grand children to read them for me :)
When i'm old and aged 80+ years old plus i would get increasingly forgetful. I could then look back and reminisce about the past with this blog. 10 years from now, i think i would still be using this blog. (Provided it remains free)
So, this blog... Will definitely contain a lot of my treasured memories where time stopped.
Well... Provided i can still read... Oh well, i'll just force my future children or grand children to read them for me :)
Japan Trip 2008- Keyboard
I went to 2 schools during the Japan Trip in 2008 and the following pictures i took from are from Kanagawa Prefectural Yokohama Senior High School of International Studies.
Look how different the keyboards are in Japan. I was shocked the first time i saw it. I thought universally, all keyboards looked the same.
Look how different the keyboards are in Japan. I was shocked the first time i saw it. I thought universally, all keyboards looked the same.
I was walking into the lab minding my own business, taking lots of pictures until something caught my attention
The keyboards had japanese letterings (looked like Hiragana) on them!
My initial reaction: "WOAH"
Calm down a little, "WA......."
Then tugging my friend's arm, "Oh My GOD LOOK AT THIS"
Then started taking pictures of the keyboard
Friend or not?
Having a friend is something really special.
She knows everything you've been through. He believes in you even when you stop believing in yourself. She calls just to say hi. He knows all your little quirks. . Even though she can't understand your pain, she'll be there. He'll do everything he can to make you smile. She knows you're feeling down even when you're smiling and saying you're absolutely fine.
But then again, even though that friend may be in your life, they'll not necessarily be there all the time. When things start moving forward, when life stopped at High School... After Graduation... That's where the struggle to keep your friends begin. You're not going to be in the same class anymore and wait for a few days to patch things up when you have a fight. One small misunderstanding and everything blows away. It takes years to bulid a friendship and seconds to destroy one. You learn to compromise, you learn to talk things out and you learn that hanging out from now on are going to be treaured moments in the future.
Then meanwhile, as you enter the 'new chapter' of your life... You got to make new friends. As you progress into a higher level, it gets difficult to know who's your real friend. You have to wait and see how things progress to find that correct friend. But that progress is hard. It's tedious. And it just feels like no one wants you in their life. You're going to have to improve your socialising skills and make friends with people your exact opposites even if you're feeling uncomfortable. You learn to depend on yourself, take care of yourself, without them.
You learn to adapt to change. Because either you change or you're at the bottom of the foodchain.
She knows everything you've been through. He believes in you even when you stop believing in yourself. She calls just to say hi. He knows all your little quirks. . Even though she can't understand your pain, she'll be there. He'll do everything he can to make you smile. She knows you're feeling down even when you're smiling and saying you're absolutely fine.
But then again, even though that friend may be in your life, they'll not necessarily be there all the time. When things start moving forward, when life stopped at High School... After Graduation... That's where the struggle to keep your friends begin. You're not going to be in the same class anymore and wait for a few days to patch things up when you have a fight. One small misunderstanding and everything blows away. It takes years to bulid a friendship and seconds to destroy one. You learn to compromise, you learn to talk things out and you learn that hanging out from now on are going to be treaured moments in the future.
Then meanwhile, as you enter the 'new chapter' of your life... You got to make new friends. As you progress into a higher level, it gets difficult to know who's your real friend. You have to wait and see how things progress to find that correct friend. But that progress is hard. It's tedious. And it just feels like no one wants you in their life. You're going to have to improve your socialising skills and make friends with people your exact opposites even if you're feeling uncomfortable. You learn to depend on yourself, take care of yourself, without them.
You learn to adapt to change. Because either you change or you're at the bottom of the foodchain.
Jesse McCartney-Because You Live
Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart
It's the end of the world in my mind...
Then your voice pulls me back like a wake up call
I've been looking for the answer
I couldn't see that it was right there
But now I know what I didn't know
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky
It's alright, I survived, I'm alive again
Cuz of you, made it through every storm
What is life, what's the use if you're killing time
I'm so glad I found an angel...
Who was there when all my hopes fell
I wanna fly, looking in your eyes
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky
Because you live, I live
Because you live there's a reason why I carry on when I lose the fight
I want to give what you've given me always
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world... has everything I need to survive
Because you live...
I live...
I live
This is my Secondary School song... :) Forgot like 50% of the lyrics already... I love my school, so many memories... The song especially. I sang the song with pride. I still do
Happy Birthday
Went through some old videos and saw one old one of my sister and i in 2007... We looked ridiculous then! but ah... the memories :)
The camera is back!
The camera that my brother held which went lost is now in my hands! Yeah!!!!
Now i can post the pictures from Japan Trip :)
Now i can post the pictures from Japan Trip :)
10 November 2011
Chad Sandwich
In the episode 'Sonny in the kitchen with dinner,' there was a scene in the cafeteria where Grady and Nico saw the sandwich menu and asked why the sandwiches are named after celebrities.
Just then, Chad appears and ordered the sandwich named after him, "Give me a me."
9 November 2011
David Henrie on 'Sonny With a Chance' Blooper
There was this episode where Selena Gomez guest starred in. So in one of the scenes, there is a blooper take. David Henrie suddenly appears into the scene, surprising everyone. There were shouts and screams from the audience!
David Henrie ran into the dressing room scene of Sonny with a chance shouting "ALEX!!" (Selena Gomez's character in Wizards of the Waverly place) "WE GOTTA GET BACK TO THE WIZARD WORLD, THERE'S TROUBLE IN THE LAIR!!"
David tries to zap the wand, "MIURIATA ANIMATA!!!"
Selena: David! We're not on set!
David looks at the wand (cuz it's not working), "What's wrong with this thing!?"
Selena: You're on the wrong set
Still ignoring 'Alex,' "made by Disney? WHAT??" (puzzled look on his face)
Haha!! Hilarious!!
Singapore Polytechnic Open House 2012
Singapore Poly will be holding the coming open house 2012 from 5th January to 7th January and 3 courses will be helping out. The courses are:
Anyways, do hope those secondary school students have fun and come to SP!
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Hotel Leisure and Facilities Management
- Integrated Events and Project Management
Anyways, do hope those secondary school students have fun and come to SP!
Many things happened...
in the last few days.
Firstly, the family's camera is lost. So now i cannot load anymore pictures or videos from the japan trip into the blog. What's worst, my precious videos from Japan is gone too. What happened you might ask... Well, my STUPID BROTHER went to Cambodia days ago for a school trip. He came back and i asked where the camera was. He said it was in the bag but IT WASN'T. It was no where to be found but he claimed that he knows he bought it back home. Well, we shall see. Our last hope is our dad's vehicle. Cause my dad fetched him from the airport back home in the vehicle than using a taxi. Why he was even given the responsibility of holding on to a camera, i have no idea!! He lost his bus pass 4 times, wallet 6 times and money, countless times!!! So, until the camera comes back to yours truly, no japan trip photos will be in sight. In a nutshell, the camera is either miles away from Singapore and in possession of someone else or it is somewhere around me, in the house hiding away. My opinion, the first one...
Secondly, school. Exams are coming in 4 more weeks. I had some stress initially but currently, it's held at bay till further notice. My best friend told me to go counselling and i went. The first session which was on the 27 october but it wasn't much help. She tried to get to know me a little better so it was more like just introductions introductions introductions. I did let loose some issues that was troubling me and stress and stuff which in a way, helped me relax A BIT. I'm hoping tommorow, which will be the second session, will help me more.
Lastly, F&B. Yesterday's lesson for food and beverages module, my class went to a fine dining restaurant. We had a three course meal. Main dish was either a something something chicken or a something something fish. Don't blame me for not memorising the name of the dishes. I have better things to do- like EATING!!!
Firstly, the family's camera is lost. So now i cannot load anymore pictures or videos from the japan trip into the blog. What's worst, my precious videos from Japan is gone too. What happened you might ask... Well, my STUPID BROTHER went to Cambodia days ago for a school trip. He came back and i asked where the camera was. He said it was in the bag but IT WASN'T. It was no where to be found but he claimed that he knows he bought it back home. Well, we shall see. Our last hope is our dad's vehicle. Cause my dad fetched him from the airport back home in the vehicle than using a taxi. Why he was even given the responsibility of holding on to a camera, i have no idea!! He lost his bus pass 4 times, wallet 6 times and money, countless times!!! So, until the camera comes back to yours truly, no japan trip photos will be in sight. In a nutshell, the camera is either miles away from Singapore and in possession of someone else or it is somewhere around me, in the house hiding away. My opinion, the first one...
Secondly, school. Exams are coming in 4 more weeks. I had some stress initially but currently, it's held at bay till further notice. My best friend told me to go counselling and i went. The first session which was on the 27 october but it wasn't much help. She tried to get to know me a little better so it was more like just introductions introductions introductions. I did let loose some issues that was troubling me and stress and stuff which in a way, helped me relax A BIT. I'm hoping tommorow, which will be the second session, will help me more.
Lastly, F&B. Yesterday's lesson for food and beverages module, my class went to a fine dining restaurant. We had a three course meal. Main dish was either a something something chicken or a something something fish. Don't blame me for not memorising the name of the dishes. I have better things to do- like EATING!!!
6 November 2011
Mundial de Tango
This is one of the best tango dance i've ever watched. Everytime i searched the net or youtube for a nice samba, tango or waltz, i'd always always see boring and not very extraordinary dance. Suffice it to say, there is absolutely nothing special. Nothing unique. This dance here, i like!
If i'm the judge, i'd give this fantastic couple 9.5/10
why the less 0.5 is cuz there's some minor errors in the beginning. But other than that, BRAVO!!!
2 November 2011
Rose Proposal
My friend told me this story of a man proposing to his love:
A guy handed a bouquet of roses to his girl. The bouquet had 99 real roses and 1 fake rose. He said to her,
"I will love you until the day the last rose dies."
"I will love you until the day the last rose dies."
F&B presentation
My group and i just finished F&B project with lots of time to spare :) Thankfully, we finished sorting out everything and who will present which slides. I am soo relieved. Now, i can concentrate on studying for (dreading...) exams. I hate it soo much...
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