The Dairy Farm wasn't what i was expecting though.
By Dairy Farm, i was expecting Goats and Cows that dairy but nooo.... It was some sort of forest FYI...
The first place we went was Dairy Farm and our tour guide told us to take picture of the rules:

So after taking pictures of the rules, OFF WE WENT!

BUT THEN, WHEN I THOUGHT there was going to
be more mud and hanging branches, we entered a clearing...
and the best part is, it isn't man-made :)
Yes, to suddenly enter an area that is much more beautiful as compared to the messy state we underwent, it is more beautiful :)
And also had to take a picture of the rules...
Then we came to the end of the trip and our guide gathered us together and told us to compare the rules and regulations of the two places and spot the difference.
The difference was that the first set of rules focused on the safety and protection of the animals and the plants etc like the monkeys, but the second set focused more on the humans/people. Their convenience and stuff. That was the diff. She said that the first place we went to had no human touch. That it was au-naturel but the second place was all specially designed, created and sculpted to look beautiful. The photoshop-ed nature.
And then she asked everyone where they were more comforatble in, the botanic garden or the 'messy, tropical forest type' Diary Farm. My answer was Botanic Garden. Even though i wasn't comfortable with Dairy farm, does not mean i do not like it. Both places though diff forms of presentation, has the same purpose: to have us fall in love with nature or rather, attract us to it. Both have their own special way of beauty, but places like the Dairy Farm is really where all the surprises are...
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